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5 Tips for Small Pantry Organization

Do you need to reorganize your small pantry? Learn how to make the most of your small pantry space with Printworks Mill Storage. 

Small Pantry Organization

Tips for Small Pantry Organization 

Even if you have many kitchen items to store, there are still plenty of ways you can organize your pantry to fit everything. We will share with you our tips on how to optimize your pantry area. 


Consider Every Open Space as an Option for Storage & Get Creative 

Many kitchens have cabinets and space located above their sinks. This is a great area to store extra items that can not fit in your pantry. While this space may be inconvenient, consider storing items that are used less frequently so the others can be placed in the pantry. If there is not any space above your sink, do not worry as there are alternative ways to create space for your items. 

Install a Pull-Out Pantry 

Another option to add space is to install a pull-out pantry in your kitchen. Pull-Out pantries have multiple tiers for you to store your kitchen items. Their sliding feature makes accessing supplies simple and convenient. In addition, while they can store an array of items, the pull-out pantry itself does not take up a large amount of space so you do not have to worry about it getting in the way of your countertop or refrigerator. They make great compliments to any kitchen. 

Keep a Handle on Food Storage Containers 

Your pantry may store Tubberware and Pyrex but it is important that they are packed properly. We recommend stacking these containers from largest to smallest. This will help consolidate space while also keeping them organized. In addition, placing them too high in cabinets can lead to an avalanche in the future so we suggest storing them at eye level to avoid any damage. 

Group Your Pantry Items 

Often our pantries are full of different types of kitchen items and supplies. While we may think we know where everything is located, we can save time by organizing and grouping the items. This will make it easier on your end when cooking or searching for supplies to use. Consider these categories as ways to organize your pantry space:

  • Cans
  • Pasta/Grains
  • Bread/Rolls
  • Breakfast Food
  • Snacks
  • Spices
  • Bottles/Beverages

Stack When You Can 

If your pantry space and cabinets have multiple shelves, feel free to place items on each shelf according to category or weight. You do not have to put all of them on one shelf. This can lead to damage depending on the weight of the items. If you do need to stack items on top of each other, make sure to place the larger/heavier items towards the bottom and the lighter ones on top. 

Printworks Mill Storage in Greensboro, NC

If you need some space to store your items during your pantry remodeling, check out Printworks Mill Storage. Our storage facility is located on Fairview Street in Greensboro, NC. We offer a variety of climate-controlled storage units ranging in size from 3×10 to 10×25. If you are unsure about which storage unit to rent, check out our storage calculator. Our contactless rental process allows customers to rent their storage unit online and move in all within the same day. Don’t wait any longer and rent with Printworks Mill Storage in Greensboro today! 


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Katie Mest

About the Author: Katie Mest is a Content Marketing Specialist at Storage Asset Management in York, PA. She specializes in writing about the self storage industry, including storage tips and helpful resources. Outside of work, Katie enjoys spending time exploring the outdoors and snuggling in with a crochet project and her cat, Billie.